
Le Eyesight of Le Monke

Do Monkeys Have Color Vision? By Matthew Hwang As you know, humans can see in a wide range of colors. This is because we have color vision. (Russia is located in Russia) However, many animals, like cats, dogs or mice, lack this ability. To them, a blooming flower bed with colors of all kinds looks like a jumbled smudge of blues and greys.. But what about our close relatives, the monkehs? Do they have color vision as well?  An example of a monke. First of all, just what is a monkey? (Said no one ever.) A monkey is any creature belonging to the superfamilies Ceboidea and Cercopithecoidea (1) , also known as New World Monkeys and Old World Monkeys (2) . New World Monkeys were a branch of monkeys that migrated to South America. New world monkeys have prehensile tails, flat noses, and wide nostrils. They are generally arboreal. Old world monkeys are larger overall, and sometimes don’t have thumbs. They still have tails, but they are not prehensile. More Old World Monkeys have color visi

The Trip to San Francisco

    This summer, my family and I are going on a trip to San Francisco for two long weeks. We have a lot of fun stuff we want to do. I’ll use this “journal” to keep track of things along the way.  Day One (Friday)-The Trip to San Francisco       I woke up pretty late today, but no one really cared, because our flight was at five o’clock in the afternoon. My brother and I went along with our mom to work, because there was no one who could take care of us today. We ate breakfast and played around for a while, before Dad came along and went home with us and Mom. We got home and rested for a bit, then we called an Uber to pick us up and drive us to the airport. However, the Uber driver was driving to places that we didn’t want her to drive to, and it took forever for her to get close to us. Dad phoned the driver, and it turns out she had another customer THE WHOLE TIME. Dad canceled the Uber and called another driver, who, thankfully, didn’t have another passenger. Finally, we were

How to Make a Flyswatter game using Scratch(TM)

Scratch is a simple coding website that shows the code using blocks like “move forward 10 steps” instead of real code language. Today I will show you how to make a simple flyswatter game using Scratch. Step 1: The Flyswatter For your flyswatter game, you might want a flyswatter instead of your mouse. Because there aren’t any flyswatter sprites* in the Scratch sprite library, you will have to draw your own or download an image from the Internet. To make the flyswatter follow your mouse, you can put a “go to mouse-pointer” block in a “forever” block inside a “when green flag clicked**” block. This will cause the flyswatter to infinitely follow your mouse when you run your code. *That’s the word they use for the characters that you add on the screen, not the soda drink. **How you run your code in Scratch. Step 2: The Flies Now that you have a flyswatter, you will need some flies. I suggest you fully code one fly and then use the “duplicate” tool to make more copies. I found

The Trip to the Philippines

Introduction     For our winter break, we decided to go to the Philippines, We actually already went to the Philippines before, but it was with a group. We decided to explore on our own this time. We were going to a part of an island, called El Nido(not the name of the island, the name of the part of the island).When the day finally came, we were all pretty excited. Day One-Trip to Manila    Because we couldn’t go to El Nido directly from Kaohsiung, we had to fly to Manila, the capital of the Philippines, stay there for a night, and move on to El Nido the next day.    The day we went to Manila started like any other day. My mom and dad sent me to my grandparents house for the morning, and we had McDonalds for breakfast. We stayed at our grandparents place until the afternoon, when my mom came. We went back to our usual apartment, got all our stuff ready, and waited for the other people. We were going with two of my aunts this time, so there was a total of six people. My m