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About is an online multiplayer game about animals. In this game, you start as a mouse or shrimp and you eat food to climb up the food chain. The higher level you are, the more animals and foods you can eat, but other higher level animals can eat you too! 

Foods in

  There are many types of foods in earliest type of food you can eat is the red berry, which give only 1 xp. Then, there are, nuts, berries, fruits, honeycombs, eggs, plankton, mushrooms and more.
Image result for foodsImage result for foodsImage result for mope.ioImage result for foodsImage result for mope.ioImage result for


There are three biomes in arctic, land and the seas, all with different animals. arctic is the smallest biome, with only the top portion of the map. It has snowy hills and rocks, AI chipmunks, snowballs that you can push together to make food, frozen, slippery lakes, cold water and a low temperature that only arctic animals can withstand without getting stunned. The seas are the second largest biome in the game, with one sea on each side. The seas are connected by two rivers, which also separates the land into three parts. The seas have whirlpools that you can hide in, AI snails that you can eat, rocky islands that only some animals can climb. The land consists of three parts, top, middle and bottom. The middle part has a volcano in which dragons, phoenixes and black dragons can survive. The land also has sticky mud pools that most animals get slowed down in, AI duck-infested lakes, hills, fruit trees, rocks, berry bushes, hiding holes and watering holes. If your'e still confused, you can look at this minimap(which will probably confuse you even more). The blue parts are the watering holes and other water sources, small dots are food surces, bigger dots are hills\rocks\island\trees, white is arctis, brown is mud, red in the middle is lava white is arctic and light blue are ice lakes.
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Landscapes and Food Sources has many food sources and landscapes. Hills, trees, islands and rocks can be climbed or flew over by certain animals. They are located randomly around the map and can be a safety zone for animals such as pelicans, bears, and quite a few other creatures that can climb on rocks,trees and hills.Trees and fruit bushes provide many fruits, such as pears, bananas, raspberries, nuts, cloudberries, coconuts and more. Mud pools are located randomly in the land areas, and can slow most animals down. There are usually carrots and beehives close to a mud pool. The volcano is located in the middle of the map, that shoots out fireballs that burns animals. There is a large lava pool in the volcano, that black dragons, phoenixes and dragons can survive. There are lots of yummy watermelons around the volcano that are big risks for big rewards for low tier animals. Lakes are located around the land. They usually have fruits and trees all around them, and lots of ducks and lillypads inside of them. Hiding holes and whirlpools are scattered all around the landscapes, providing a safe place for animals to hide. There are lots of different landscapes in, each with different uses
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  1. You described it so well up top that when I saw the picture of the world it was almost exactly as I was picturing it after reading what you wrote. Except for all those colored dots! Looks like a birthday cupcake exploded on the screen.

    1. Thanks for the compliment! I was eating my birthday cake while I
      was typing.




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