Playing Paintball

                         Playing Paintball

    I don't really like paintball. Maybe it's because the first and only time(so far) I played it I got shot TWO TIMES ON MY ARM. Here's how it went.

    One day, my mom told me that we were gonna play paintball with my older brother's friends. I was pretty exited, but also a bit nervous, because I never played paintball before and I didn't know what to expect. 

    When the day came, I was pretty nervous. When we got there, there were quite a lot of people. About half of the people I kinda knew about, and the other half I didn't even know existed. The coach or director guy had already started explaining, but we caught on pretty early.

     First, the coach split us into two teams - Parents vs Children, and we decided who would be our team leader. There were 13 kids and only 6 adults, because 98% of the moms had gone out to have coffee and chat. So, the children were pretty much guaranteed to win. 

    Next, the coach guy explained what we needed to wear. We had to wear a LOT of stuff-
- a  large camouflage patterned vest
- a pair of camouflage patterned pants
- a cool-looking face protector mask
- a piece of cloth to protect your neck
- one glove on the hand you don't use to fire the gun
- one paintball-proof vest
I didn't really get the point of the cloth to protect your neck, because that cloth was as thin as paper, so I didn't know how that was supposed to protect your neck from a PAINTBALL.

    Then, the coach guy told us how the gun worked. I really needed that explanation, because to me, the paintball gun looked like a miniature flamethrower with what looked like a small bicycle seat on top of it. The gun had a reload bar thingy, a safety, and a few other thingamabobs that that a real gun might have. He also fired a few blanks, and they were really, REALLY LOUD. Thankfully, the coach said that the guns would be a lot quieter when there were paintballs in them. 

    After that, the coach let us put our gear on and get a gun. The coach let us fire a few balls to practice, but I didn't fire any shots, because I was too scared and went to hide behind some barrels.

    Finally, the game began. The coach gave us 30 seconds to find a good hiding spot. I decided to hide behind one of the closer, more enclosed barrels with the little brother of my brother's friend. The game was only 35 seconds long, but it was still pretty scary. I got so scared that I put my gun down and covered my ears for cover. Then, in the last ten seconds of the game, I decided to grab the gun and start shooting at the enemies, but the second I put my arm out to shoot, I felt two very, very painful paintballs hit my arm. Paintballs? More like PAINballs!! The pain was about a quintillion times worse than a rubber band. OK, maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but it was my first time playing paintball and I did NOT expect the pain to be so humongous. I started crying, and my dad had to take me out for the rest of the game. That meant both teams were one person short, but I wouldn't have been any help for our team anyway. I ended up watching Netflix on my dad's phone and putting my arm against a cold drink in the back room.
   (1) Me clutching my arm in pain because of the paintball.

   (2) Me falling over because of the paintballs.

    Apparently it was a GIRL who hit me, but I don't really know. I remember one of the parents saying something like "Oh, you're a BOY, how could you be crying because a GIRL hit you?" WELL, JUST BECAUSE IT WAS A GIRL WHO SHOT ME DOESN'T MAKE THE GUN LESS POWERFUL!!!!!D:<

    If I could go back in time, I probably would have beared the pain and kept playing, but mom said that if I would end up ditching my gun and covering my ears then I probably shouldn't be playing paintball. I don't really regret wasting all my time at at paintball, but I DO feel pretty guilty of causing my dad to not be able to play because I was being such a wimp.

    Even though the whole experience was painful and I basically swore that I wouldn't play paintball again in my whole life, I think it was an interesting experience, and now I have a new strategy for paintball- hide at the very, very back of the area, using two shields instead of a paintball gun, letting my team do all the work for me. Who knows? I might even try paintball again someday. SOMEDAY!


  1. Hahaha painballs!! This story is hilarious. I think you were just very unlucky to get hit twice so quickly. When I played, I got hit only 3 times in half an hour. One of them was in the butt, and I still remember how much it hurt! I hope you'll try again someday and find a better hiding spot! You missed out on the fun of hitting someone else this time so you should try it again.

    I really like how you split this story up in paragraphs where each one had a different topic and everything was in order. Great writing!

    I'm guessing the "coach or director guy" was called 教練? The best word for that is probably instructor.

    So did the kids actually win??

  2. actually is 80% moms go talked over coffee




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